Saturday, January 26, 2008

Self promotion for the consumerist

Fancy that, self taught photographer turns entrepreneur! If you stare at this slideshow from schmapp for long enough my photo of the octopus street art outside Fidel's cafe in Wellington will appear. they chose my photo from a set on Flickr - insert more self promotion here:\photos\bronzebrew150.
But are you and am i any better off for it? now im providing free advertising for schnap or whatever their called and i myself have fallen into the evil ring of trying to ballyhoo you by this advertisement (btw, my photos are for sale, contact me for a fee quote)...
It seems this modern world will drown us in mass media, advertising anarchy fuelled by the money wheel of industrialism! material possessions the 'must have' to gain what we all desire most in life- true personal happiness. We are tantalized by the shiny, the glamorous, the 'new black' , it's a porn industry for consumers... mass media melds our lives, why bother with subliminal advertising any more! from when we leave the house from every angle though every orophus of our bodies we are bombarded with advertising. is it really up to us how we spend your money, or is that just what we like to believe?

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